NP Regulation

The Nurse Practitioner Regulation Framework Implementation Plan Project (NPR-FIPP) is a multi-year, multi-faceted initiative commissioned by the Canadian Council of Registered Nurse Regulators (CCRNR). As a partner, the College is participating in this national project to develop a common NP regulatory framework across Canada.

The NPR-FIPP builds on previous work with a goal to implement the recommendations endorsed by CCRNR regarding six basic elements of a Model for Nurse Practitioner Regulation in Canada.

CCRNR’s NPR-FIPP team has released the NP Entry Level Competencies (ELCs) Development Report. A key priority of the NPR-FIPP project was to refresh the NP entry-level competencies to drive future NP entry-level education. The refresh process was initiated in January 2021 and was carried out by a five-person Education Sub-Committee. From March to July 2022, a multi-pronged consultation strategy was implemented. To review the development report, please click here:—final-jan-2023.pdf

For more information on the NPR-FIPP, please visit CCRNR’s website:

To review the latest Project Update Newsletter, please click here:

On February 23, 2023, College Council approved the revised National NP ELCs 2023 document. NP ELCs reflect the foundational knowledge, skills, and judgment required of NPs to safe, competent, and ethical care at entry to practice. This document is a deliverable of the National NP Regulation – Framework Implement Plan Project (NPR-FIPP) and replaces the current Entry-Level Competencies for Nurse Practitioners in Newfoundland and Labrador (2016). To review the revised NP ELCs (2023), please click here.

For information on NP Regulation, contact:

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