Advanced Foot Care Nurses’ Practice Environment and Perceptions of Barriers and Facilitators to Foot Care: A Pan-Canadian Study
Original Presentation: November 3, 2020
The purpose of this presentation is to present the findings of a descriptive exploratory study that explored the perceptions of advanced foot care nurses (AFCN) regarding their practice environment in Canada, as well as their perceptions of barriers and facilitators to foot care. Preventative foot care is important to avert devastating complications in high-risk populations, such as those with chronic diseases. Unfortunately, many people have difficulty accessing foot care services. Currently there is limited knowledge regarding the barriers and facilitators to footcare in Canada. To address this gap, AFCNs were surveyed who are members of the Canadian Association of Foot Care Nurses (CAFCN). Advanced nursing foot care practice is a growing specialty and the CAFCN has over 400 members who deliver their services in various settings across Canada. AFCNs are in a unique position to understand the barriers and facilitators to foot care. In addition to contributing to literature regarding barriers and facilitators to foot care this research provides evidence for further strategies to support foot care nurses and the foot health of all Canadians.
Jennifer Densmore MN, BN, RN, Nurse Educator, Centre for Nursing Studies
Kathleen Stevens RN, PhD (c), Assistant Professor, MUN Faculty of Nursing
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