
Transparent, Accessible and Fair

The Professional Conduct Review (PCR) process, authorized by the Registered Nurses Act, 2008 (the Act), is used to assess an allegation, and to intervene, when a registrant’s practice or conduct is alleged to be unacceptable and deserving of sanction.

The Act outlines conduct deserving of sanction to include: professional misconduct, professional incompetence, conduct unbecoming a registered nurse (RN), incapacity or unfitness to engage in the practice of nursing, and acting in breach of the Act, the Registered Nurses Regulations (the Regulations) or the Code of Ethics for Registered Nurses (2017).1

The College will thoroughly review all allegations about RNs and Nurse Practitioners (NPs) and take appropriate action in accordance with the Act.

The Act gives the Director of PCR the authority to attempt to resolve an allegation by Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) where it appears it may be resolved satisfactorily. Allegations that are not resolved by ADR are referred to a Complaints Authorization Committee (CAC).  The CAC panel members are appointed from CRNNL Council members. The CAC may dismiss an allegation, refer an allegation to the Quality Assurance Committee, and direct that an allegation be investigated or resolved via ADR. The CAC may also consider an allegation a complaint and issue a caution/counsel to a respondent or refer the complaint to an Adjudication Tribunal for a hearing to address the complaint. Pending a hearing of the complaint, Council may suspend, restrict, or further investigate a member’s practice.

For details on the PCR process, please refer to Sections 18-35 of the Act and section 16 of the Regulations.

The definitions of Conduct Deserving of Sanction pursuant to section 18 of the Act can be found in Article IX of the By-laws.

1 © [2024] Canadian Nurses Association. Reproduced with permission. Further reproduction is prohibited.