The College Connection Podcast

This podcast is presented by the College of Registered Nurses of Newfoundland & Labrador and features a series of Regulatory-focused, information and education sessions for Registered Nurses and Nurse Practitioners in our province.

Available on popular podcasting platforms: Acast, Apple, Spotify, YouTube

Season 3

Episode 5: Conduct Deserving of Sanction – What Does it Really Mean? YouTubeAppleSpotifyAcast
Episode 4: Professionalism, Privacy and Confidentiality: A Conversation with the Commissioner: YouTubeAppleSpotifyAcast
Episode 3: A Duty to Report – Your Obligations as a Registered Nurse: YouTubeAppleSpotifyAcast
Episode 2: Privacy and Confidentiality: What every RN/NP should know: YouTubeAppleSpotifyAcast
Episode 1: A Conversation with Canada’s Chief Nursing Officer: YouTubeAppleSpotifyAcast

Season 2

Episode 4: Scope of Practice of RNs & LPNs: Acast – Apple – Spotify
Episode 3: Non-Traditional Environments: RNs working in Corrections: AcastAppleSpotify
Episode 2: Rural and Remote Continuing Education: AcastAppleSpotify
Episode 1: Lessons Learned: Acast – Apple – Spotify

Season 1

Episode 6: RN Prescribing: The Framework & Practice Guidelines: AcastApple
Episode 5: The Office of the Child and Youth Advocate: AcastApple
Episode 4: Virtual Care in Emergency and Primary Health – Regulatory Tips for RNs & NPs in Virtual Care: AcastApple
Episode 3: A Presentation to RNs from The Office of the Seniors Advocate: AcastApple
Episode 2: The Personal Health Information Act: AcastApple
Episode 1: The Top 10 Disciplinary Issues for RNs & NPs of 2022: AcastApple