College Connection

The College Connection is published two times a year (January, and September) by the College of Registered Nurses of Newfoundland and Labrador. It is one of our official methods of corresponding with members. The publication is automatically distributed to all registered nurses (practicing and nonpracticing) and key stakeholders. It is also available by subscription to other interested parties.

Submission Guidelines

If you are interested in submitting an article, please contact James Sheppard at [email protected].


Articles should not exceed 500 words in length and be written in plain language style. Submissions should include a short note with the author’s background and credentials. Supporting photos, graphs, tables or illustrations may be used, depending on space and design considerations. The editor reserves the right to edit all articles prior to publication and makes the final decision on suitability to publish.


Subscription is automatic for CRNNL members. Rates for non-members are:

  • In Canada: $30/year plus HST
  • Outside of Canada: $40/year plus HST

To subscribe, send an email to [email protected] indicating your mailing address and billing information. For more information, please contact James Sheppard at (709) 753-6198 or [email protected]
