February 2, 2022 12:00pm - 1:00pm
External Event
Project ECHO NL: Opioid Use Disorder (Cycle 1) Opioid Use Disorder and the Pregnant Patient
At the conclusion of this activity, participants will be able to:
- Review appropriate screening tools for OUD in prenatal/perinatal care.
- Discuss the diagnostic parameters for OUD in pregnant women.
- Identify best practices for providing OAT during pregnancy, including appropriate medication, initiation, and maintenance dosing for pregnant women.
- Describe the clinical use of UDS in pregnant women.
Dr. Melanie van Soeren, MD CCFP
Family Physician
St. Paul’s Maternity Care Clinic, St. Paul’s Hospital
Vancouver, British Columbia
Direct questions about Project ECHO NL: Opioid Use Disorder to:
Kate Lambert
Knowledge Exchange Facilitator
Provincial Opioid Dependence Treatment Centre of Excellence
Eastern Health
This one-credit-per-hour Group Learning program has been certified by the College of Family Physicians of Canada and the Newfoundland and Labrador Chapter for up to 11 Mainpro+® credits.
Project ECHO NL: Opioid Use Disorder is funded through the Provincial Opioid Dependence Treatment Centre of Excellence (Eastern Health).
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