May 7, 2024 - May 14, 2024
College Event

Privacy and Confidentiality: What every RN/NP should know

In episode 2, Podcast hosts (and College Consultants) Michelle Carpenter and Kelly Kean speak with special guest, Michael Harvey, Information & Privacy Commissioner Newfoundland and Labrador for an in-depth discussion about patient privacy and confidentiality. This episode highlights information which RNs and NPs should know about the PHIA (Personal Health Information Act) and includes answers to common questions about health information and privacy. Post production note: this episode of the College Connection was recorded on March 23, 2024. On April 11th it was announced that Mr. Harvey would be resigning from his position as Information and Privacy Commissioner in Newfoundland and Labrador after having accepted the position of Information and Privacy Commissioner for British Columbia. To learn more about the OIPC click here, please click here.

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Previous episodes are available on the College Connection Podcast page.

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